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United States
Member Since November 2020
Contact Designer

Welcome to Salam Forever.

Bringing a smile to a friend’s face. Reminding someone close to you how much you care. Spreading your joy around. We’re here to help you make it happen.

There’s something special about taking the time to write a personal message. We’ve created our unique line of greeting cards to help inspire you to make that message more meaningful.

As a small, Brooklyn-based business, we have a natural appreciation for how amazing people are from every walk of life. We love to see how distinctively different everyone truly is. Our unique cards are created with people’s need for personal self-expression in mind.

Salam Forever represents a diverse community of artists, writers, and creative professionals with the talent to take their personal joy and give it a distinct expression.

All of the art featured on our cards is original and completely exclusive to Salam Forever. When you give Salam Forever, you show people how special they are to you.

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