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United States
Member Since November 2020
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Every piece of fabric chosen is selected with FEELING and tailored with LOVE and CARE.

Every design comes from an EMOTION. I embrace myself in the beauty of EXPRESSION. I am the VOICE of all women around the world rooted in PAIN, LOVE, PEACE, FREEDOM, FERTILITY and REBIRTH. I love my clothes to tell STORIES and to capture FEELING. I make Couture pieces, nothing like anything else ever seen. I. AM. FARINAZFZ.


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  1. Folded Inward Rose Pattern Lilli Dress
  2. Amy Dress
    Amy Dress
  3. Audrey Dress
  4. Beth Dress
    Beth Dress
  5. Dolores Dress
  6. Rimic Dress
  7. Florian Dress
  8. Dorothy Dress